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Tonight is Our Wedding Night

Tonight is their wedding night. And she is beginning the night with a song that celebrates their blessed union, her desires for their first night, and her prescription for a lifetime of joy.

First, she praises the quality of their love and credits the one who brought them together.

Your heart is like a boat
A boat that is the color of Gold.
That our destinies now
Belong to one another
Is the work of God.

That is why she has agreed to marry him. Their love for another, cultivated by God, will be all that they need around them.

The beautiful Island of Love
Is a land empty of insincerity.
We shall go there where
There is only room
For our two hearts.

But that is the future. Tonight is their wedding night. She is finally allowed to express herself in a way that would not have been acceptable before. And she knows exactly what she wants to happen tonight with her new husband.

Up to now, even amorous gestures would have been a sin
But tonight, I am accompanied by my dowry.
I want, tonight until dawn, for us to share
Our secrets and needs.

From Nasrin's "Our Wedding" (Aroosiye Ma)

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